
This is my website. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

I do a bunch of things. I kind of just keep working non-stop on an eclectic collection of projects.

This website contains things I'm working on, done in the past, and whatever idk.
Block Brown
I do business operations work

I found myself to be quite good at working with and changing complex business functions and b2b contracts, so I do it "freelance" with the goal of maybe making this my full time occupation.

I won’t go into it too much here but if you’re interested in reading more, I write articles about some of the work I’ve done for businesses. Maybe you’ll find it interesting. 

I want to raise money for small music artists

When I was 15 I remember wondering why shit music from big artists gets popular but great music from small artists gets nowhere. I would later realise it's mostly due to the way the spotlight works, and also money. I created DiviDecks with the idea of giving artists a way to raise funds in a fun and rewarding way. I've worked on this off and on for 3 years now. I should probably just get on with launching something and seeing how it goes. But if you're interested, here's the site:

I like to play poker

I began playing poker around 2012. I've played in dozens of poker rooms up and down the UK, as well as in Prague, Marrakech, Amsterdam, and more. I'm a winning player, at least so far. It's more of a hobby than anything else.

Standard Social Manager
I started a social media agency

Before the covid lockdown I'd made a few websites in the past. During the lockdown I ramped it up and started a small 'agency' called Standard Social Manager. I hired people and paid them a salary. My graphic designer kitted us out with a wide variety of brilliant and fun characters that I'd use to advertise services, and also to do a little edu-tainment on how to run effective social media.

The project never made as much money as I’d hoped, and it required an enormous amount of work. I’d wind down operations after a year or so of doing it before I moved onto something else. The designs are too cute to be forgotten to time so I’m just going to dump a bunch of it here. 

I made an animation in school

Our class was tasked with presenting a show on a topic of our choosing. 4 weeks later when the deadline was looming, we hadn't even thought of a theme. Someone chirped up and said "Procrastination". It was a brilliant suggestion. Of course, everyone still procrastinated. So, in pure procrastination, I decided instead of doing homework I would learn how to create an animation, create it, then present it as our theme. This is the result of that work.

Titanfall 2
This is the best shooter I've ever played in my entire life

As far back as I can remember, I was good at video games. Even in my boarding house when I was 11 or 12 years old, I prided myself on being the greatest Goldeneye N64 player in the whole house. I still recall challenging the reigning champ and beating him quite thoroughly. In every friend group I've ever had in every country, when we played video games, I was the best. On CoDMW & MW2 I was at an alien level of skill. In the internet cafe in Abu Dhabi I used to play, I was in the top 2 or 3 players. On Battlefield Bad Company 2, I was an unstoppable monster. I used to get accused of being a hacker all the time.

I played these because of the rush. Dancing on the edge of madness knowing exactly how your opponent is thinking. I felt I was able to read the mind of my opponent entirely through pixels and button clicks. In decades of playing video games, no game has given me a more intense and powerful connection than Titanfall 2. 

The only purpose of this section is to highlight what a masterpiece of a shooter it is. The game is still so alive today and I hope you go out and get it.